Monday, March 22, 2010

Week #9 - A Brief Update

(March 15-21, 2010)

This has been an incredibly busy week!! My sister Carmen was married on Saturday. What a great way to mark the first day of Spring. I had many bridesmaid duties (not to mention a whirlwind trip to Edmonton for a business meeting) that kept me away from the house. The show did however, go on in my absence - thank goodness!!

I haven't had an opportunity to take any Week #9 progress pics but I've listed the highlights below. I'll write more in next week's blog, complete with photos.

  • Temporary locks have been installed on all the doors. The front security fence was taken down.
  • The basement floor was poured on Friday. It was covered and heated over the weekend to help with the curing process.
  • The HVAC crew was in on Thursday to start installing the duct work for the furnace.
  • The Jameswood crew installed the rest of the basement windows and tidied up the site. Looking good.

Next week: the electrican(s) start Monday, HVAC continues installation and I'm sure there is lots of selection work for me to get done.

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