Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week #10 - Back on Track

(March 22-28, 2010)

You may have noted the title of the this week's update and might be wondering what the heck this means? Last week was a whirlwind of activity (including a business trip to Edmonton to set the week in motion) none of which had anything to do with Casa Roa. My sister Carmen was married on the first day of spring (20th) to Mike. Congratulations!! It was a fantastic day preceeded by a week of festivities and preparations. Fun times and well worth the distraction from the construction homefront to partake in the celebrations. So, despite feeling a wee bit tired, I'm getting back on track...

Here is the weekly shot of the exterior of Casa Roa. As you can see, not much has changed since last week. The Jameswood crew tidied up the front yard and the security fence is down leaving a clearer view of the house from the street. Its looking more like home and less like a construction zone!

Quick recap of the week...

The HVAC crew was in to continue with the furnace installation. The furnaces were delivered. Yes, two furnaces - one to heat the upstairs and the other to heat the main floor and basement. Perhaps this is overkill but considering (a) 8 years of space heaters and slippers round-the-clock and (b) this is the overbuilt house, this HVAC set-up is entirely appropriate.

The electricians arrived on Friday to start on the wiring. Nothing to report just yet on this part of construction.

Now that the basement floor is complete, the framing for the new section of the basement was started. If you check out the picture below, you can see where the old wall was cut out (left side of photo). Its a solid chunk of concrete that has some decorative appeal (once you get up close to see the exposed aggregate). :)

And last but not least, the bath tub has been installed!! It was a surprise to see it sitting there all by its lonely self. And look! More insulation. Now we have three times as much insulation as the old house.

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