Monday, August 2, 2010

Week #28 - Finishing Details - Part...I Can't Remember

(July 26 - August 2, 2010)

It's all in the details. Five simple words but boy are they loaded with meaning. Yes, we are in week 7 or 8 (I've lost track and am too lazy to go back through the posts to count) of the finishing details. I'm keeping this post short and photo-free so that I can get back to working on moving details.

The highlights of this week:
  • Lights, lights and more lights. A small crew of electricians arrived to hook-up the lights, the dishwasher (more on that below) and all other things related to electricity. I'm pleased with the light selections. I'm also pleased with the service at Cartwright Lighting - from selection to delivery. Highly recommend them.
  • Painting, painting and more painting. The upstairs is done with the exception of the ensuite which needed some wall patchwork. Painting is well underway on the main floor (coat #2 of wall colour).
  • Tile - waiting on the tile installation for the fireplace.
  • Dust, dust and more dust. The roar of the vaccuum can be heard at regular intervals in an attempt to clean up the dust. Cleaners are scheduled to give the house a good once-over next week. Apparently they're good at what they do but I can't help but think that the dust will continue to settle for a while.
  • Dishwasher - Ugh! It is hooked-up but one small can't be moved underneath the cabinet due to DAMAGE. It appears as though the frame is bent. Badly. As in, they suspect its been dropped off the back of a truck. Door doesn't open freely. Not much you can do about it at 4:30pm on Friday of a long weekend. Double Ugh! I'll let you know how I make out when I contact customer service next week. Sheesh!
  • Furnace cleaning - done.
  • Moving has commenced! We emptied the storage container in the backyard as well as the garage. Most everything, save a few pieces of furniture, ended up in the basement while we await the housecleaning and another round of purging (I hope) while we still have the commercial garbage bin out back.

Here's hoping that next week's post will tell about how we officially moved in over the weekend. This is contingent on getting our hot water tank vented and the remainder of the trades finished up inside. While we had some workers at the house on holiday Monday, there seems to be plenty left to be done. Or perhaps I'm not getting my hopes up for being in sooner than we actually will be. Managing expectations. I'm so excited.

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