Monday, May 3, 2010

Week #15 - Boards, Mud & Tape

(April 26 - May 2, 2010)

The rooms in the house really started to take shape this week. A drywalling crew arrived on Monday to 'board' up the house - meaning, they hung the drywall. A team of 6 guys worked all day Monday and a couple of hours on Tuesday to hang drywall on the main and second floors. Fast, fast work. It brings us one step closer to a finished home now that we can't see between through the framing from one end of the house to the other! Surprisingly, the rooms don't look any smaller boarded up than without drywall.

The gas was supposed to be hooked up on Wednesday so that the furnaces could be fired up in preparation for the mudding and taping crew. Supposed to was the operative phrase - it didn't get hooked up Wed, Thur or Fri this week but this did not stop production. Some heaters were brought in to warm the house, allowing the mud/tape guys to get started on Thursday. I stopped in on Thursday to find 2 guys in shorts and t-shirts walking around on metal stilts. Talented and fast. They put up rows of drywall tape like nobody's business. Kieran thought they were pretty interesting too. :) Estimated time to completion for tape and mud is a week Thursday. Judging by how they motor around, they could be done sooner! Here are some pics of the house with the drywall and beginning stages of the mudding and taping (mud/tape guys on stilts; Kitchen; Great Room; Kieran's room; Master bedroom).

Keeping with the 'building a better house' theme by actually using insulation, the attic insulation was blown in on Wednesday. For the first time, I actually felt too warm in the house. Hallejuah!!
Work also started on the planned replacement of the water lines on our property that tie into the city's water/sewage system. This involved cutting holes in the basement to run the lines. With any luck, we'll start the process for bringing the lead content of our water down while increasing the water pressure to the house. There is some work that needs to be done by the city on their lines to make both of these things happen. A discussion for another time...
The exterior siding material (James Hardie fibre cement siding product) was delivered on Friday. The installers should get to work on that next week.
This week was also very productive from a materials selection standpoint. All the interior paint colours were selected on Friday. Yeah! Designer Sue brought some great options over for the hearths of the fireplaces. We settled on two granite samples which are going to look fantastic. We also received a quote for the exposed aggregate material that I'd like to use for the front porch and stairs. Paul sourced a supplier that has a thinset product that looks amazing. The price was right so we have our front porch material selected. Another check. Finally, all of the floor finishes have been finalized. I was waffling on a slate option vs. the exposed aggregate material for the mudroom/back entry. Slate is the material of choice and with that, the flooring selections are fait accompli. So while the selection list is reduced by another few items, there are still some big (lighting) and small things to tackle.
8 weeks and counting...

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